In questa sezione vanno declinate le pratiche Open Science (sia obbligatorie che raccomandate) come parte integrante della metodologia, adattandole alla natura del progetto. Per RIA/IA questo rientra fra i criteri di valutazione.
Se si ritiene che nessuna pratica Open Science sia adatta al progetto, occorre giustificare questa scelta con solide motivazioni.

Pratiche obbligatorie:
  • specificate come sarete conformi all’obbligo di rendere Open Access le pubblicazioni (3 opzioni: Open Research Europe, rivista Open Access, rivista in abbonamento mantenendo i diritti per dare accesso immediato)
  • specificate in quale «archivio affidabile» depositerete testi e dati e con quale licenza
Pratiche raccomandate:
  • suggerimento: utilizzate la suddivisione in fasi delle ricerca di B2 e per ogni fase specificate quali pratiche adotterete

Da sottolineare:

  • elementi di collaborazione
  • Open peer review [se utilizzate Open Research Europe è implicita]
  • pratiche di riproducibilità
  • licenze aperte
  • Citizen science + co-creation
  • legami con infrastrutture di ricerca
[lunghezza suggerita: 1 pag.; in CSA: 1 pag. comprende OS e data management]

Riferimento ai documenti ufficiali

Standard Application Form – Part B 1.Excellence

1.2 Methodology

Describe how appropriate open science practices are implemented as an integral part of the proposed methodology. Show how the choice of practices and their implementation are adapted to the nature of your work, in a way that will increase the chances of the project delivering on its objectives [e.g. 1 page]. If you believe that none of these practices are appropriate for your project, please provide a justification here.

  • Open science is an approach based on open cooperative work and systematic sharing of knowledge and tools as early and widely as possible in the process. Open science practices include early and open sharing of research (for example through preregistration, registered reports, preprints, or crowd-sourcing); research output management; measures to ensure reproducibility of research outputs; providing open access to research outputs (such as publications, data, software, models, algorithms, and workflows); participation in open peer-review; and involving all relevant knowledge actors including citizens, civil society and end users in the co-creation of R&I agendas and contents (such as citizen science).
  • Please note that this question does not refer to outreach actions that may be planned as part of communication, dissemination and exploitation activities. These aspects should instead be described below under ‘Impact’

Programme guide p.  40

Proposers will have to provide concrete information on how they plan to comply with the mandatory open science practices. Failure to sufficiently address this, will result in a lower evaluation score. A clear explanation of how they will adopt recommended practices, as appropriate for their projects, will result in a higher evaluation score. If proposers believe that none of the open science practices (mandatory or recommended) apply to their project, then they have to provide a justification.

Programme guide pages 41-54 contains examples, defintions and resources for Open Science practices

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